The membership of the Association shall consist of Citizens and Residents of the United States who have evinced interest in the objects and principals of this Association and who shall pay the Fees and dues as set out in the By-Laws. Applicants for membership must be accompanied by two Sponsor members and meet with the E-Board. New membership application will be open between January 1, and October 31 of the year. The E-Board shall screen the applicants to insure their suitability for membership. On recommendation of the E-Board the Applicant will come before the General Membership to be nominated for Probationary Membership. By a vote for membership, by a majority of members present, the applicant will become a Probationary Member. Each Probationary Member shall serve one year probation to show Interest in Conservation and the Airboat Association and shall, upon approval of the E-Board, become a regular member.
The Membership Fee in this Association shall be $50.00 payable to the Treasurer with the application for membership providing that there shall be no membership fee required of Children under 18 years of age, when sponsored by a relative who is a member of this Association in good standing.The annual dues of this Association shall be $100.00 for a voting member, payable to the Treasurer on or before September 1, or in the case of new members, payable with the application for membership, providing that the annual dues for non-voting members, children under 18 years of age shall be $10.00 and providing further, that the annual dues for new members joining this association between April 1st and August 31st of any year, shall be one-half annual dues.
The Membership Fee in this Association shall be $50.00 payable to the Treasurer with the application for membership providing that there shall be no membership fee required of Children under 18 years of age, when sponsored by a relative who is a member of this Association in good standing.The annual dues of this Association shall be $100.00 for a voting member, payable to the Treasurer on or before September 1, or in the case of new members, payable with the application for membership, providing that the annual dues for non-voting members, children under 18 years of age shall be $10.00 and providing further, that the annual dues for new members joining this association between April 1st and August 31st of any year, shall be one-half annual dues.
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